Ten Miles Wide




The Seattle-based rock band, Ten Miles Wide, is a quartet of brusque, brooding captains. Dressed in black and steering their way through dark musical oceans, charting courses toward new creations, the four-piece prides itself on the hard-won maps its amassed over the years from playing prominent Emerald City stages and keeping their eyes and ears on new sonic territories.

Comprised of screeching front man John Beckman; slick-fingered bassist, Shane Smith; thunderous drummer, Will Andrews; and nimble guitarist, Jake Carden, the group is a collection of experts and longtime students of song. Ten Miles Wide, in this way, is part of a long, significant lineage in Seattle sound.

With moments that harken to local greats like Soundgarden and Alice in Chains, the band honed their recordings with the Grunge Father himself, Jack Endino, to produce their latest LP, the booming 2016 LP, The Gross.

But while the record’s title is evocative, the music on it is anything but unpresentable. Instead, the songs read like epics. They soar like the silhouette of a darting hawk taking up a full, lit moon. Propelled by heavy rhythms, the band glides on outstretched melodic wings. And to see them live, sweat dripping as hands bring dynamic music to life, is to know how to truly travel through sound.

Vocals, Guitar
John Beckman

Jake Carden

Will Andrews

Shane Smith


The Gross

by Ten Miles Wide

what we’re up to